HPC Best Practices Webinars

The HPC Best Practices webinars address issues faced by developers of computational science and engineering (CSE) software on high-performance computers (HPC). The sessions are independent, so join any or all.

Who should attend

Participation is free and open to the public, however, registration is required for each event. This series is designed for HPC software developers who are seeking help in increasing their team’s productivity, as well as facility staff who interact extensively with users.

Schedule and format

The webinars will occur approximately monthly and last about one hour each. The webinars usually take place on a Wednesday at 1:00 pm -2:00 pm in the U.S. Eastern time zone (but this can change due to speaker availability). Audience questions and discussion will be encouraged, and the Q&A will be captured in written form. Recordings of the webinars along with the presentation slides will be posted.


Participation is free and open to the public. Registration is required for each event. Those who register will also receive notification when the webinar recording is available.


If you’d like to receive announcements of upcoming webinars and other IDEAS-organized events, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Suggestions Welcome!

Want to request another topic? Want to give a webinar? Email us at IDEASProductivity@gmail.com.


The IDEAS project in collaboration with the DOE/ASCR computing facilities and the Exascale Computing Project

IDEAS Productivity project

Osni Marques (LBNL)

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility

Exascale Computing Project

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