
Better Scientific Software (https://bssw.io): So your code will see the future

Series: HPC Best Practices Webinars

Better Scientific Software (BSSw) is an organization dedicated to improving developer productivity and software sustainability for computational science and engineering (CSE). This presentation will introduce a new website (https://bssw.io)—a community exchange for scientific software improvement. We’re creating a clearinghouse to gather, discuss, and disseminate experiences, techniques, tools, and other resources to improve software productivity and sustainability for CSE. Site users can find information on scientific software topics and can propose to curate or create new content based on their own experiences. The backend enables collaborative content development using standard GitHub tools and processes. We need your contributions to build the BSSw site into a vibrant resource, with content and editorial processes provided by volunteers throughout the international CSE community. Join us!


Presenter Bios

Mike Heroux is a senior scientist at the Center for Computing Research, Sandia National Laboratories, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At Sandia, he works on new parallel algorithm developments for problems of interest to Sandia and the broader scientific and engineering community. Michael leads the development of Trilinos, which provides state of the art solution methods in a state of the art software framework, the Mantevo project, which focuses on the development of Open Source, portable mini-applications and mini-drivers for scientific and engineering applications. He strongly advocates practices that improve software productivity and sustainability.

Lois Curfman McInnes is a senior scientist in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory. Her work focuses on numerical algorithms and software for the parallel solution of large-scale scientific applications involving nonlinear partial differential equations and related optimization problems in the well known PETSc and TAO libraries. She has been a promoter of mechanisms for improving scientific software productivity and sustainability, including the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK).