
Using the PSIP Toolkit to Achieve Your Goals – A Case Study at The HDF Group

Series: HPC Best Practices Webinars

Productivity and Sustainability Improvement Planning (PSIP) is a lightweight, iterative workflow that allows software development teams to identify development bottlenecks and track progress toward goals to overcome them. In this talk, we present an overview of the PSIP methodology and toolkit, and describe how the HDF5 Group used PSIP to make improvements in three key areas of their software development process.


Presenter Bios

Elena Pourmal is one of the founders of The HDF Group, a not-for-profit company with the mission to develop and sustain the HDF technology, and to provide free and open access to data stored in HDF. She has been with The HDF Group since 1997 and for more than 20 years led HDF software maintenance, quality assurance and user support efforts. Ms. Pourmal currently serves as The HDF Group Engineering Director leading HDF5 engineering effort and is also a member of The HDF Group Board of Directors. Elena received her MS in Mathematics from Moscow State University and MS in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Reed Milewicz is a computer scientist and Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Software Engineering and Research Department at Sandia National Laboratories. His research focuses on software engineering, and developing better practices, processes, and tools to improve software development in the scientific domain. He leads software science research efforts within his department and is a member of the Interoperable Design of Extreme-Scale Application Software (IDEAS) project, an arm of the Exascale Computing Project (ECP), where he is part of the Productivity and Sustainability Improvement Planning (PSIP) team.

Elsa Gonsiorowski is an application I/O specialist and systems software developer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Her research interests include software for application checkpointing, parallel discrete-event simulation, and software engineering practices. She is passionate about improving developer productivity and works with ECP teams through the IDEAS project.