Performance Portability & ECP
This series has concluded
Performance portability is a critical issue for the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) because of nontrivial architectural differences between machines available today and those expected at exascale. Many ECP project teams are working toward performance portability and would expect to benefit from sharing lessons learned, identifying gaps, and discovering opportunities for partnerships. To facilitate this communication, the IDEAS-ECP project partnered with the three focus areas of ECP (application development, software technology, and hardware and integration), and Department of Energy computing facilities, to lead a series of panel discussions on performance portability. The panels were organized around broadly common themes of algorithmic and data locality challenges.
Related Paper
- Performance Portability in the Exascale Computing Project: Exploration Through a Panel Series, A. Dubey et al, IEEE CiSE, Sept 2021. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3098231
The IDEAS project in collaboration with the Exascale Computing Project

IDEAS Productivity project
Anshu Dubey(ANL)

Exascale Computing Project
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Past Events
Exascale Computing Project Performance Portability Analysis
Mar 03
2021 MinisymposiumSeries: Performance Portability & ECP, Technical Sessions and Meetings -
Software Design for Longevity with Performance Portability
Dec 09
2020 WebinarSeries: HPC Best Practices Webinars, Performance Portability & ECP -
ECP Performance Portability Panel Series
Jun 17 –Aug 12
2020 Online Panel DiscussionsSeries: Performance Portability & ECP